Welcome to the Twenty pluses. I'm still trying to stop putting Two thousand in front of the eleven. That is so aught it hurts.
Well so far this year i have already surpassed last in production of comics. Not that it means a pile of beans as to how much has been accomplished. But hey they might be magic beans.
It took a lot of time and effort but i did it (with a little bit of help from the new Jeopardy robot of course). I put together my Top Ten Comics of 2010.
1. X'ed Out
2. Usagi Yojimbo
3. Wilson
4. The Batman Comics of Grant Morrison
5. Acme Novelty Library #20: Lint
6. Weathercraft
7. Werewolves of Montpellier
8. Axe Cop
9. Orc Stain
10. Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour
11. Set to Sea
Was anybody else scared when they named the Jeopardy robot 'Skynet'?
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